Panariagroup awards employees for new sustainability ideas

Panariagroup has confirmed its strong commitment to sustainability, a vocation which embraces not only product innovation, but also the company’s entire operations.


The Group has set up the first edition of the Sustainability Award for employees of the Italian Business Unit who have been awarded by selecting the best ideas designed to make the company increasingly sustainable.


The initiative, which is one of the concrete commitments that Panariagroup has adopted in its Sustainability Report in order to conduct its business responsibly, is one of the many and numerous activities that the company is undertaking with the aim of strengthening its relationship with the environment and people, starting from those who contribute to its success every day.


Panariagroup, one of the leading international groups in the production and distribution of ceramic floor and wall tiles for the premium segment of the market, continues to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability, designing every single product according to this vision in order to improve people’s well-being and quality of life.

In line with its formal commitment made in the Sustainability Report, the company has launched an internal competition for sustainable ideas and has recently awarded the most outstanding proposals in three distinct areas: ideas for improving products and the production and logistics process, ideas for improving life in the company and ideas for supporting the local area and communities.


The first edition of the competition received a good response from employees with a selection of over 80 detailed projects and considerable engagement from everyone involved. The 3 winners can choose between options that include shopping vouchers, book purchases, a wellness package, training courses, home appliance purchases, e-bikes, and various other solutions.


In the area of production process improvement, the winning project presented a detailed idea for recycling filter-pressed grinding sludge based on an in-depth study of the recovery of materials from the industrial process.


The winning improvement of company life project proposes the formation of an internal community for the exchange of material goods and services between colleagues, identifying the company as the ideal place to rebuild a sense of community and to restart creating relationships in a sustainable recycling system.


In the support of local communities area, the winning project involves encouraging recycling of unused ceramic material by opening the Group’s doors to a school in order to train pupils how to lay ceramic tiles and to encourage them to challenge themselves by using ceramic surfaces for decoration projects in school environments.


“The first edition of the Sustainability Award further celebrates our vocation for responsible business conduct,” commented Emilio Mussini, President of Panariagroup, “as well as our goal of enhancing the distinctive skills of our employees by offering everyone the opportunity to contribute, with their own ideas, to the Group’s growth and development.

Through projects such as this, we aim to further spread the culture of innovation that is increasingly focused on sustainability and quality of life in all areas and to increasingly encourage participation in the company.”